Rothay Garden Hotel Auction Dinner – Park Triplets Appeal
EWGA are sponsoring the Auction Dinner at Rothay Garden Hotel for the Park Triplets Appeal on Saturday July 15th 2017.

Rothay Garden Hotel Auction Dinner – Park Triplets Appeal

Steven Park trained at Rothay Garden in the 90s showing a huge enthusiasm for his trade and a real aptitude as a chef, before moving on to further his career. His skill was quickly recognised by others and in 2008 he returned to Cumbria as Head Chef of Gate House Outward Bound Centre, Eskdale. Offering residential courses, this position provided Steve some flexibility and consequently, he was able to work part-time again for Rothay Garden over the last few years.

Steve and Rachel married in 2009. After struggling to start a family, in the spring of 2016, they were delighted to find themselves the proud parents of triplets! The girls were however born very prematurely at just 26 weeks and spent the first 9 months of their lives in a Newcastle hospital.

They were so delighted to be able to get their “3 little ladies” home in time for Christmas. Rachel and Steve said “they were the only presents they wanted”

Tragically, their euphoria was not to last……

On Tuesday 27th December, Rachel who had endured difficulties whilst pregnant, died suddenly. Rachel was 39 and Steve 40. They should have been moving forward together with the next exciting chapter of their marriage, that of being parents of 3 lovely girls but now, Steve faces the daunting task of bringing up his 3 little ladies on his own……

Of course, there will be state assistance but it can’t be expected to cover all eventualities so we are trying to raise funds to make life a little easier for Steve and his family. Consequently, Rothay Garden Hotel is holding an:

Auction Dinner, Saturday 15 July 2017

All proceeds in aid of Steve and his 3 daughters, Poppy, Mollie & Evelyn with Rothay Garden waiving all costs associated with this dinner

Rothay Garden Hotel would especially like to thank EWGA ltd. for their very generous support in sponsoring all wines for this event.


Donations may also be made via: Park Triplets Gofundme (this fund raised £19000 in 14 days!)

PayPal [email protected]

Leave a donation at hotel reception in the collection jar, or hand a CQ to reception (payable to Park Triplets, or Cumberland Building)

Society, Sort code:165221; A/C No:54136683

Rothay Garden Hotel, Broadgate, Grasmere, LA22 9RJ



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